FR- Librement inspirée du titre "Music with Melody-driven Electronics" de David Berhman, le Ep Jîz "Particules", par un flux sonore effervescent et la propagation des particules dans l’espace les éléments se trouvent en collision... Élaboré à partir d'un synthétiseur Casio et des vibrations magnétiques d'instruments à cordes.
EN- Freely inspired by the title "Music with Melody-driven Electronics" by David Berhman, the Ep Jîz "Particules", created from an effervescent sound flow and the particules propagation in space of the elements are in collision... Made from a Casio synthesizer and the magnetic vibrations of stringed instruments.
JÎz "Particules"
Format : Digital Album
Composed, mixed, mastered and artwork "monotype gravure"
by Sabri Meddeb at Studio Cinquième ciel
Issue : 2010
Price : 6.50€
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